Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Road designer duty

Studies show that many accidents in road happened and kill many people and make others paralysis because of its geometric characteristics, this is the truth and for that road designer including myself should make more effort to come with the best design that we can give. Then the road constructor, controller and who make maintenance too should do their best for safer roads.
Yes it is very difficult to apply every condition in norms and standard, because of one obstacle or another, but the civil engineer should remember that there are many solutions and he has to find the most appropriate one.


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Fondations in buildings is like a roots in a tree

The more the tree is high and big the more it has bigger and deeper roots; we can say the same thing in buildings, beside the nature of soil , water conditions and the shape of our building we need to know the seismic zone to be able to define what kind of foundation we have to use.
There are two roles for the foundation
-          Transmits the dead loud and the live loads to the soil
-          Anchor the superstructure
In big project and risky places it is recommended to have a geotechnical engineer to determine the size of the optimal foundation.
